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Sunday, May 10, 2020

Write to Prime Minister PM - Suggestion to Introduce Drinking Licence to Liquor Drinkers all over India

Write to Prime Minister PM - Suggestion to Introduce Drinking Licence to Liquor Drinkers all over India

Now lot of men and some women become drunkards in Tamil Nadu and other states.

Drunkards after drinking, become very cruel and beat women and children.

And in Tamil Nadu, 50 Lakh men died early because of drinking and it made lot of cultural destruction, cruelty to women, and more raping in which many rapes are not even coming in records. 

To reduce all these social hazards, please introduce licensing for drinking. Licence applying men or women should have more than 18 years and should have job to earn money.  If he is not earning, drinkling licence should not be issued.

And all the social benefits like all free schemes to the drinking licenced men and women should be stopped.

Every year Drinking license to be renewed and every year they should prove their income earnings to get licence. No free scheme to drinking license holders.  There should be only fixed quota of liquor to be given to every drinking licence holder.

Every year Doctor Medical certificate should be brought to get drinking license.  Drinking license fees will be one of good income to government.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Sri Narendra Modi is great leader who made the world to turn towards India...
Our Honourable Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi is great person... India blessed to get such a good person as Prime Minister... Next to Mahatma Gandhi, Sri Narendra Modi is great leader who made the world to turn towards India... Jai Hind...

Monday, April 20, 2020

Non-violence is the best religion... The religion which follows non-violence is the best religion of the world...

Non-violence is the best religion... 

Non-violence is the best religion...

The religion which follows non-violence is the best religion of the world...

Beating other religion people by stone, sticks and killing them is very cruel...

If a religion follows violence, the violence defames the religion...

To be good religion, all members of the religion should be non-violence...

Hinduism teaches non-violence always...

Beauty of Hinduism is Hinduism is nice, colourful non-violent religion...